the script Since the arrest of Fr. Shawn Ratigan May 19 on charges of possessing child pornography, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Chancery Office has virtually gushed apologetic words and resolve to do better in the future. Bishop Robert Finn has met with parishioners, priests, the press and he's issued news releases that breathlessly promise new initiatives, ask for help and contain even more apologies. Unfortunately, there is nothing new to the scenario unfolding in Kansas City. This is the hierarchical/chancery culture reading off a familiar basic script that has been used countless times, albeit with numerous variations.
Editors and reporters here have seen this time and again in the more than 26 years this paper has been covering the sex abuse scandal. The script's aim is to deflect the gaze from the central problem, using words and gestures that give the impression of going about important work to get to the bottom of things, all with a heavy heart. The only truly astounding element in this most recent chapter is that this many years into the worst scandal the church has faced in modern times, with shelves of books and endless file drawers of documents and articles available to attest to its nature and causes, a bishop would have to resort to the script yet again. The latest release produced by the chancery is titled: "Bishop Finn Initiates Sweeping Changes and Reviews." Under that is a subhead, "Five-Point Plan in Effect," and in an even smaller italicized subhead, "Diocese engages Todd Graves, former U.S. Department of Justice child exploitation expert and former U.S. Attorney."
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