Monday, June 6, 2011

mila kunis

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” won five popcorn bucket trophies at the MTV Movie Awards, including one for best movie. (Yeah, on second thought, it really was better than “Inception,” “The Social Network” and “Black Swan.) But as usual, the winners were not the important thing at the MTV Movie Awards. Far more significant were the bizarre, deliberately buzz-generating moments that occurred during the two-hour ceremony. For those who didn’t have time to consume every live-blogged minute from the evening, here are the “highlights.” Jason Sudeikis delivered an opening monologue that contained at least five Arnold Schwarzenegger jokes and a jab at Selena Gomez. “You’ve been liplocked with that Bieber kid for like a month straight,” he said. “Listen, I just want you to be careful, okay. And the only reason I’m telling you that is because she’s alrady swallowed three of his baby teeth.” Gomez looked (or feigned) embarrassment, and for a brief moment the Twitter community seemed empathetic to her. The moment was very brief.

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