Wednesday, June 8, 2011

korea got talent

korea got talent The song below, performed on Korea's Got Talent, brought tears to nearly every eye in the room. Choi's voice simply astounds, proving that you really never know who has an amazing talent. But he's a bit more than the next Susan Boyle. Choi's story by itself could bring you tears. He refers to himself as a "manual worker" and has been living on his own since he was five years old. At one point, he describes how he had to sleep in public restrooms to find shelter.

Sung-bong Choi, a manual worker, took to the stage on Korea's Got Talent and told how he was orphaned at five years old and has lived on his own ever since. He described how he had lived in public toilets and sold energy drinks and gums on the street to get by. Choi said: "I just want to be like a normal person. I don't sing that well but when I do sing, I feel like a different person.""I just want to give you a hug," said one of the judges with tears in her eyes before thanking him for his "awesome performance" and announcing he was through to the next round. It is believed Choi could follow in the footsteps of Boyle - the Scottish singer whose performance on Britain's Got Talent became an internet sensation.

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