Wednesday, June 8, 2011

the jerk theory

the jerk theory recording artist, Adam, is burned by a bad relationship experience and decides that if women won't respond to the "nice guy" then he'll be "the jerk." This is wildly successful with meaningless relationships, but when Adam meets and falls for Molly, who doesn''t fall for his jerk routine, Adam is forced to reconsider his dating philosophy.The Jerk Theory: An aspiring recording artist, Adam, is burned by a bad relationship experience and decides that if women won't respond to the "nice guy" then he'll be "the jerk.

This is wildly successful with meaningless relationships, but when Adam meets and falls for Molly, who doesn''t fall for his jerk routine, Adam is forced to reconsider his dating philosophy. You read me right, anti-circumcision activists convinced thousands in San Francisco to sign a petition, and now in the fall voters will decide whether to ban the procedure from being performed on boys younger than 18. Don't laugh, Santa Monica was looking at a similar vote up until this week, and the organization responsible for this movement wants to see this on the ballot all over the country.eekly column for A senior writer and columnist for ESPN The Magazine and, he has contributed to ESPN's "Sports Center," "Outside the Lines" and "First Take."

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